Heiwa Kanko Co Ltd, which operates JumboTaxi.com, has become a sponsor of Visit Saitama City, Saitama City's official tourism website.

A link to the website of Heiwa Kanko Co. can now be accessed from the sponsor banner of the official Saitama City tourism website, VISIT SAITAMA CITY. The site is operated by the Saitama Tourism International Association.

ジャンボタクシー.comを運営する株式会社 平和観光がさいたま市公式観光サイトのスポンサーになりました | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

Use it to plan your pre-trip sightseeing, search for events and find local food information!

Heiwa Kanko Corporation, which operates JumboTaxi.com, is a member of the Saitama Tourism International Association and the National Center for the Elimination of Violence, and participates in various community activities.

Contact us for enquiries and quotations

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