News from Jumbo and wagon taxis from Tokyo and Saitama to all parts of Japan and Haneda and Narita airports, with a capacity of between five and nine passengers.
Jumbo taxis and wagon taxis from Tokyo and Saitama to all parts of Japan and Haneda and Narita airports, for one person, five or more people, up to nine people.
News (Peace Tourism Co., Ltd.) support to Cambodia: providing safe drinking water through a well drilling project.
Heiwa Kanko Co Ltd, which operates (, is implementing a well drilling project to provide clean drinking water to local communities as part of its relief activities in Cambodia. This activity is particularly important in areas suffering from water shortages ... -
Inspiring testimonials from our customers: share your appreciation of our services
Customer Thank you very much for your kind words. Your appreciation is an encouragement to us and we will continue to strive to improve our services even further. All of our staff will do their utmost to please you. From now on... -
Renewal of registration as a travel agent registered with the Governor of Saitama Prefecture
東京・埼玉を中心としてジャンボタクシーやワゴンタクシーでハイヤーサービスを行うジャンボタクシー.comを運営する株式会社 平和観光(埼玉県さいたま市桜区五関)は令和6年 4月 19日付け更新登録申請について、旅行業法第6条の3第2項の規定により、下記の... -
ジャンボタクシー.comを運営する株式会社 平和観光が”さいたま市公式観光サイト「VISIT SAITAMA CITY」”のスポンサーになりました。
株式会社平和観光のホームページへのリンクが、さいたま市公式観光サイト「VISIT SAITAMA CITY」のスポンサーバナーからアクセス可能となりました。このサイトは(公社)さいたま観光国際協会によって運営されています。 旅行前の観光プランの作成、イベン... -
Inspiring testimonials from our customers: share your appreciation of our services
Customer Thank you very much for your kind words. Your appreciation is an encouragement to us and we will continue to strive to improve our services even further. All of our staff will do their utmost to please you. From now on... -
Illegal 'white taxi' problem and measures to combat it.
日本における「白タク」問題は、単に個人や小規模業者による違法営業に留まらず、意外なことに有名な旅行サイトを通じて手配される車両にもその影を潜めている場合があります。利用者が信頼して予約するこれらのプラットフォームでさえ、時には違法なジャ... -
'2024 Keyaki Hiroba Spring Beer Festival', Saitama Shin Toshin by jumbo taxi.
ジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで行く国内最大級のビール祭り 2024年5月22日から26日まで、さいたま新都心の「けやきひろば」で、春の訪れを告げる一大イベント、「けやきひろば春のビール祭り」が開催されます。この祭りは、ビール愛好家たちが心待ち... -
To/from Saitama Super Arena: Jumbo Taxis, Wagon Taxis - Taxis and Hire Cars for a planned journey!
Saitama Super Arena, located in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, is a multi-purpose facility loved by visitors from Japan and abroad. A wide variety of events are held here throughout the year. From spring to summer, the arena hosts a wide range of events, from spectacular music events to frenetic martial arts events, as well as ... -
Smoothly transferring between spring and your new life! Support from Haneda Airport, Narita Airport and Tokyo International Cruise Terminal to the far side of spring and comfortable transfers by jumbo taxi.
羽田空港・成田空港・東京国際クルーズターミナルから春のお彼岸まで対応 春は、新しい生活が始まる希望に満ちた季節です。桜の花が開花し、世界が色鮮やかに変わるこの時期、多くの人々が新たな人生の章を開始します。企業の人事移動や家族の引っ越しとい... -
A peaceful journey to the bone laying ceremony: a guide to the transportation of remains and divided bones using jumbo taxis and wagon taxis.
Ossuary ceremony is an important time to remember the deceased and say a final goodbye Ossuary ceremony is an important time to remember the deceased and say a final goodbye. The safe and respectful transportation of the deceased's remains plays a very important role in this ceremony. The use of jumbo taxis and wagon taxis is a good option for this...