Process for completing the booking of a jumbo taxi or wagon taxi

Request a quote using the contact form.
見積もり | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

Fill in the required details, the more details you provide, the more accurate the fare you can give.

Contact us for enquiries and quotations

We will clarify the process, etc. in several exchanges by e-mail.
メール | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

Unless there is a lack of information or communication difficulties, we will not call you.

If you are satisfied with the fare and itinerary and there are no problems, apply.
同意 | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

If there are no problems with the fare and itinerary, please make a request based on the "customer's intention". Applications will be made in the order of "customer's declaration of intent", depending on the progress with other customers, it may not be possible to book the desired date of operation or vehicle. If there are no problems with the fare or the itinerary, please make your "declaration of intent" as soon as possible.

Settlement (payment method)
決済 | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

There are two payment methods to choose from

(1) Bank transfer (advance lump-sum payment)

Please transfer the money until the date specified by us.

(2) Credit card (one-time payment in advance)

The following brands are accepted. We will send you a credit card payment weblink to your email address with the fare. Click on the link and fill in the required details to make the payment. The credit card payment weblink connects directly to the credit card processing company, so you can rest assured that we cannot obtain your credit card details illegally.

visa | 5名以上乗れるジャンボタクシーとワゴンで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
master | 5名以上乗れるジャンボタクシーとワゴンで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
ジェイ・シー・ビー・JCB | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
アメリカン エキスプレス・AMEX | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
ダイナース クラブ・Diners Club | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
Booking completed
予約完了です、おめでとうございます | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

The booking will be completed upon our confirmation for bank transfers and upon notification of payment completion for credit card payments. Thank you for your cooperation, your booking is now complete. We are really looking forward to seeing you on the day.

Contact us for enquiries and quotations

Operates taxis and hire cars in Sakura-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture.
Click here for the taxi crew (driver) recruitment website of Heiwa Kanko Co.

株式会社 平和観光のタクシー乗務員募集広告 | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで