Strong commitment to eliminating gangs and drug abuse - Heiwa Kanko Co Ltd (335-1 Goseki, Sakura-ku, Saitama City), which operates, attended the 33rd Saitama Prefecture Citizens' Convention for the Elimination of Gangs and Prevention of Drug Abuse.

A member of the Saitama Prefecture Violence Ban Promotion Centre, Peace Kanko Co. (335-1 Goseki, Sakura-ku, Saitama City, operated by attended the 33rd Saitama Prefecture Citizens' Convention for the Elimination of Violence and Prevention of Drug Abuse, which was held on 6 November 2023. The company has confirmed that it has no relations with anti-social forces or gangs and has declared that it will eliminate anti-social forces such as gangs. This is an important event where we work together with local residents, take them seriously, walk with them and think about solutions.

第33回暴力追放・薬物乱用防止埼玉県大会に出席 | 株式会社 平和観光(さいたま市桜区五関)は埼玉県暴力追放運動推進センターの会員です。これは、弊社が反社会的勢力と無関係であることの確認です。

Saitama Safety Promotion and Crisis Management Lecture

Thirteen individuals and 14 organisations were recognised for their contribution to the elimination of gangs and the prevention of drug misuse at a meeting of some 800 county and prefectural police staff.

At this convention, the participants reaffirmed their strong commitment to eliminating gangs and drug abuse, and made a declaration to promote activities to make Saitama Prefecture a safe and secure place to live, with the cooperation of all residents.

In addition, Mr Katsuhiko Ikeda, who has also served as head of the Saitama Prefectural Police and as a police commissioner, gave a lecture on 'Crisis Management and Organisational Building'.

Based on his experience as the first director-general of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, Ikeda pointed out that risk management is at the heart of crisis management and said that it is important to deeply ponder how to respond to any eventuality as one's own business, and further stressed that it is most important to be aware that absolute safety does not exist.

第33回暴力追放・薬物乱用防止埼玉県大会に出席 | 株式会社 平和観光(さいたま市桜区五関)は埼玉県暴力追放運動推進センターの会員です。これは、弊社が反社会的勢力と無関係であることの確認です。
第33回暴力追放・薬物乱用防止埼玉県大会に出席 | 株式会社 平和観光(さいたま市桜区五関)は埼玉県暴力追放運動推進センターの会員です。これは、弊社が反社会的勢力と無関係であることの確認です。

About Peace Tourism Co.

Heiwa Kanko Co., Ltd. is a company that provides taxis, sightseeing hire services and other services in Sakura-ku, Saitama City, and operates Jumbo Taxis (wagon taxis) can accommodate between five and nine passengers and are used by many people as a comfortable means of transport from Tokyo and Saitama to other parts of Japan and to airports.

Activities of Peace Tourism Co.

This section reports on Peace Tourism's participation in the 33rd Saitama Prefecture Citizens' Convention for the Elimination of Violence and Prevention of Drug Abuse. Violence expulsion and drug abuse prevention are very important and important themes and social issues. Peace Tourism Co., Ltd. is a company rooted in Saitama Prefecture and actively tackles social issues.

And as part of community clean-up activities, we actively participate in clean-up activities in the largest entertainment district in Saitama Prefecture, commonly known as 'Minamigin', where we work together with local residents to create a clean and beautiful environment.

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