Surprisingly, the taxi business zone (business area)

Knowledge of operating areas

Business zones are defined by law and are designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport based on the location of the taxi company or office. In addition, while taxis are basically obliged to operate within their operating area, there are exceptions. In some cases, it may be possible to operate beyond the operating area.

4 Patterns.

Assume, for the sake of argument, that a taxi company's area of operation is "A".

  • (i) Boarding point: A → Disembarking point: outside the business zone = OK.
  • (ii) Where to get on: out of business area → Where to get off: A = OK
  • (iii) Place to get on: A → Place to get off: A = OK
  • (iv) Place to get on: outside the business area → Place to get off: outside the business area = NG
タクシーの営業エリア | 5人以上乗れるジャンボタクシーとワゴンで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

The taxi operation area of Heiwa Kanko, the company that operates, is the "South Central Prefectural Transportation Area", which covers Kawaguchi City, Saitama City, Konosu City, Ageo City, Warabi City, Toda City, Okegawa City, Kitamoto City and Ina Town.

This is the reason why you sometimes see taxis with Tokyo licence plates in Saitama City.

Taxi operating areas in Tokyo and Saitama are listed for reference.

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