"Invoice OK" indicated by a dark blue sticker Heiwa Kanko Corp.


Dark blue with white text to make "Invoice OK" more easily recognizable!

Heiwa Kanko Corp. Sakura-ku, Saitama City, which operates JumboTaxy.com, has placed dark blue stickers indicating "invoice OK" on the windows of all vehicles in its taxi division, making it easier for taxi users to understand. The purpose is not only to stand out, but also to send a clear message to users.

This sticker, which reads "Invoice OK," has important implications for passengers. This sticker allows passengers to confirm that Heiwa Kanko have an official invoice system in place and ensures proper handling of sales tax. This is especially important for business passengers in terms of expense processing.

Heiwa Kanko chose navy blue, the company's basic color, for the stickers. This color symbolizes reliability and security, while at the same time being eye-catching and vivid.

The taxi department of Heiwa Kanko Corp, which operates JumboTaxy.com, is looking for drivers. Please enjoy both work and private life in our free corporate culture!

For more information.here

平和観光のタクシーはインボイスOK | 5人以上乗れるジャンボタクシーとワゴンで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
平和観光のタクシーはインボイスOK | 5人以上乗れるジャンボタクシーとワゴンで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで
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