Contribution to society as a member of the Saitama Center for the Elimination of Violence and Prevention of Drug Abuse

Heiwa Kanko Co., Ltd. which operates contributes to the safety and sound development of local communities as a member of the Saitama Prefecture Center for the Elimination of Violence and the Prevention of Drug Abuse. We continue to actively engage in activities based on the principles of "resolutely rejecting unreasonable demands from organized crime groups and other antisocial forces" and "creating a bright society free from violence and drug abuse.

Theme of Saitama Violence Prevention Center Newsletter No. 193, "Customer Harassment."

Customer harassment (kasuharasu)" is featured in Saitama Violence Prevention Center Newsletter No. 193. Customer harassment refers to unreasonable demands, words, or actions by customers toward employees, and has been attracting attention as a social problem in recent years. Understanding of and countermeasures against this problem are required, especially in the hospitality industry.

埼玉県暴力追放・薬物乱用防止センターの埼玉県暴追センター通信No.193 | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

Customer Harassment Prevention in the Taxi Industry

In addition to our sightseeing hire business, which operates jumbo taxis and wagon cabs, we also have a cab company in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, and have daily contact with many customers. Therefore, it is important to create an environment in which our drivers can engage in their work with peace of mind.

In the cab business,

  • Excessive or persistent demands
  • Intimidating or abusive language
  • Physical contact or threatening behavior

Customer harassment may occur in various forms, including the following. In order to respond appropriately to such issues, we are taking the following steps.

  1. Enhancement of employee training
    Training on customer harassment is regularly conducted for crew members, and they learn how to respond to customer harassment based on specific cases.
  2. Establishment of a consultation service
    To ensure that crew members can respond appropriately when they experience catharas, we have established an internal consultation service to provide prompt support.
  3. Cooperation with Administrative Agencies
    In cooperation with the Saitama Violence Prevention Center and other government agencies, we have a system in place to provide appropriate advice and response support as needed.
  4. Use of Security Cameras
    Security cameras are installed in cab vehicles to provide evidence in the event of trouble.
カスタマーハラスメントについて | 1名から5名以上、9人まで乗れるジャンボタクシー・ワゴンタクシーで東京・埼玉から日本全国や空港まで

Aiming to provide safe and secure services

To ensure the safety of our flight crews and the comfort of our customers, we will continue to strengthen our measures against customer harassment. With the understanding and cooperation of our customers, we will strive to provide better service.

Heiwa Kanko Co., Ltd. which operates, will continue to provide safe and comfortable transportation services together with local communities.

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